Category: Death Planning

Some thoughts on Gift Taxes To Anyone other than your Spouse

Gift-giving is a time-honored tradition that allows us to express our love, appreciation, and generosity towards the people we care about. Whether it’s a token of gratitude, a gesture of support, or simply a way to make someone’s day brighter, gifts hold immense significance in our relationships. However, when it comes to giving substantial gifts to individuals other than our…

What are Death Taxes, and What Do They Mean For Me?

A key component of estate planning is minimizing and planning for the taxes that might be owed.   Each state has its own rules, so this post concentrates on Maryland.  In Maryland, there are typically three potential taxes that might be owed when someone dies:  estate tax, inheritance tax, and income tax. Estate Taxes Estate taxes are taxes imposed on your…

Why Singletons Should Prepay for Cremation

Absent prepayment, funeral homes require next-of-kin to agree to cremation for recently-departed loved-ones (“decedents”) who have indicated a preference for the process in their wills. If the decedent was married at the time of death, the surviving spouse can authorize cremation. If the decedent was unmarried but had children, the children must unanimously agree to a cremation. And, if the…